this handy Definition | Englisch Wörterbuch (2024)





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this handy Definition | Englisch Wörterbuch (1)


determiner used before a singular n


a used preceding a noun referring to something or someone that is closer: distinct from that
this dress is cheaper than that one, look at this picture


a used preceding a noun that has just been mentioned or is understood
this plan of yours won't work

b (as pronoun)
I first saw this on Sunday


a used to refer to something about to be said, read, etc.
consider this argument

b (as pronoun)
listen to this


a the present or immediate
this time you'll know better

b (as pronoun)
before this, I was mistaken

5 Informal an emphatic form of a1 or the1: used esp. on relating a story
I saw this big brown bear

6 this and that various unspecified and trivial actions, matters, objects, etc.

7 this here (U.S.)
not standard an emphatic form of this 1--3

8 with (or at) this after this; thereupon

9 used with adjectives and adverbs to specify a precise degree that is about to be mentioned
go just this fast and you'll be safe
(Old English thes, theos, this (masculine, feminine, neuter singular); related to Old Saxon thit, Old High German diz, Old Norse thessi)

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this here, in this day and age, in this regard, Thaïs

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not on your tintype


absolutely not; not in this lifetime

Slang expression used mostly in 19th century




used to describe a person. i.e this is the qua am telling you about or he is a fantastic qua


mic drop


This term means leaving a discussion after you achieve an absolute victory

[Fig.] E.g.: My presentation was so successful. It was the ultimate mic drop.

go bananas

this handy Definition | Englisch Wörterbuch (3)


go wild ; go crazy with excitement or other extreme emotions such as over-the-top happiness or (but less commonly) anger. This idiom may allude to the apes who go crazy when given bananas (on the pattern of 'go ape')

[Fam.] When the two brothers found out that they were among the winners of the fan contest and thus, were to meet the members of Metallica, they went bananas.

burst at the seams


to be filled beyond regular capacity; a garment like trousers you're wearing and bursting at the seams (whether because they shrank in the wash or you gained weight) would be a perfect literal example of this idiom and figuratively, it means: to be beyond full.

[Fig.] The initially intimate celebration Forrest had organised was soon flooded with unexpected guests; his small house burst at the seams and ended up getting wildly trashed

it's got bits in it


means a liquid is not clear: this tea's got bits in it, I don't like yogurt with bits in it

assez proche de l'idée de 'il y a à boire et à manger'

bend over backwards


When you bend over backwards, you put all your effort into something. This expression is often used to say that someone puts a lot of energy into pleasing someone else.

[Fam.] Ex.: She was so benevolent; she would always bend over backwards to help me.

you catch more flies with honey


The actual say is: "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" This means that it is easier to persuade people if you use polite arguments and flattery than if you are confrontational.

he can dish it but he can't take it


this expression means 'he is very good at criticizing others but he can't accept criticism from others'

to put your heart and mind to this great work


to concentrate and to sacrifice

there is more room on the outside than on the inside


This expression means it is better to let one's emotions out, rather than bottled up inside. It is also often said when someone has gas.

this is just something my grandmother would say in cajun french

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this handy Definition | Englisch Wörterbuch (2024)
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