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1 a used preceding a noun referring to something or someone that is closer: distinct from that b (as pronoun) 2 a used preceding a noun that has just been mentioned or is understood b (as pronoun) 3 a used to refer to something about to be said, read, etc. b (as pronoun) 4 a the present or immediate b (as pronoun) 5 Informal an emphatic form of a1 or the1: used esp. on relating a story 6 ♦ this and that various unspecified and trivial actions, matters, objects, etc. 7 ♦ this here (U.S.) 8 ♦ with (or at) this after this; thereupon 9 used with adjectives and adverbs to specify a precise degree that is about to be mentionedthis
determiner used before a singular n
this dress is cheaper than that one, look at this picture
this is Mary and that is her boyfriend, take this
this plan of yours won't work
I first saw this on Sunday
consider this argument
listen to this
this time you'll know better
before this, I was mistaken
I saw this big brown bear
not standard an emphatic form of →this →1--3
go just this fast and you'll be safe
(Old English thes, theos, this (masculine, feminine, neuter singular); related to Old Saxon thit, Old High German diz, Old Norse thessi)
Englisches Collins Wörterbuch - Englische Definition & Thesaurus 
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this here, in this day and age, in this regard, Thaïs
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